PART 1 - INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

Now, in this first part, I'd like to ask you some questions about yourself. Do you work on a ship or are you training at the moment? Working A OK, let's talk about your work: Could you tell me about the job you do? What do you like about your job? In an officer's job, which problems are most difficult to deal with? Do you enjoy some work tasks more than others? Or if appropriate ... Training A OK, let's talk about your training: Could you tell me about the course you are doing? Do you enjoy some parts of the course more than others? Why do you want be an officer? Which parts of your course are most difficult?

INTERVIEW (2-3 minutes)

Now, in this first part, I'd like to ask you some questions about yourself. Do you work on a ship or are you training at the moment? Working A OK, let's talk about your work: Could you tell me about the job you do? What do you like about your job? In an officer's job, which problems are most difficult to deal with? Do you enjoy some work tasks more than others? Or if appropriate ... Training A OK, let's talk about your training: Could you tell me about the course you are doing? Do you enjoy some parts of the course more than others? Why do you want be an officer? Which parts of your course are most difficult?