Climb Level 4 - ICAO English

Your online solution to meeting ICAO English standards





The grammar content of Climb Level 4 is based on a needs analysis of the grammatical points required to reach ICAO level 4 and above. The ICAO descriptors for grammar level 4 say:

"Basic grammatical structures and sentence patterns are used creatively and are usually well controlled."

At level 5

"Basic grammatical structures and sentence patterns are consistently well controlled. Complex structures are attempted but with errors which sometimes interfere with meaning."

Climb Level 4 gives students extensive practice in both the basic and more complex grammatical structures of the English language. The authors have selected the 49 most important structures and tenses needed to reach ICAO language proficiency. Presentation: MY AVIATION GRAMMAR

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The grammar exercises are accompanied by a grammar reference book. The exercises are designed to improve students understanding of the form and meaning of a range of structures and tenses; they contain extensive practice in the syntactic features of all the structures taught.

The grammar curriculum is taught using text based exercises and speech recognition based exercises.


"I want to understand the rules of English grammar and how to use structures correctly when I speak".